Torchbearers is a family of people sharing our lives with one another as we pursue our Father, Beloved and Friend down the various (yet joint) paths He is leading us. Originally born out of the alternative community (and hailing from various church backgrounds), TB is transcending cultural and denominational boundaries, even though we are still mainly called to serve within the alternative (goth, metal, punk etc) scene and the Church.
Our first love is Jesus Christ, of whom we are unashamed, yet we don’t force a particular religious view down anyone’s throat, rather showing by the example of our once shattered, yet redeemed lives the only hope there is within this dark world. Thus our calling is to be bearers of that light and fire and to give it physical expression in various forms, often including (but not limited to) the redemption of music, art and spiritual practices that have been forgotten, neglected and frowned upon by the mainstream institutional church.
We pursue God in every aspect of who He is, and wherever He is to be found, in so doing hoping to mature beyond casual Sunday-morning lip service of God, to the full sonship of being led by His Holy Spirit in living lives fully submerged in, and aware of His ever-present reality and desire to manifest His glory in our fallen world.